Travel Agenda
- Dec. 10 - 16: Workshop Science at Low Frequencies, Sydney, Australia
- Sept. 6 - 16: Work visit NCRA, Pune, India
- Aug. 5 - 26: Work visit & vacation, Socorro NM, USA
- June 21 - 23: LOFAR/SKA conference, Bologna, Italy
- May 18: ASTRON/DOME science day, Dwingeloo, NL
- Dec. 7 - 9: Workshop Science at Low Frequencies, Pasadena CA, USA
- Nov. 7 - 11: Conference Science for the SKA Generation, Goa, India
- Nov. 3 - 5: Conference SKA Pathfinders Radio Continuum Surveys (SPARCS), Goa, India
- Sept. 19 - 22: LOFAR Surveys KSP workshop, Bologna, Italy
- Sept. 6 - 7: Work visit Nijmegen (colloquium)
- Apr. 4 - 6: LOFAR users / community science meeting, Zandvoort, NL
- Jan. 17 - 19: LOFAR nearby AGN meeting, Cambridge, UK
- Jan. 11 - 13: Work visit Manchester / SKAO, UK
- December 15 - 16: Work visit to ACRU, UKZN, Durban, South Africa<br />December 9 - 14: SKA radio school, UKZN, Durban, South Africa
- November 19 - 21: CAASTRO conference, Twin Waters, Australia
- November 3 - 18: Work visits to CASS, University of Melbourne, ICRAR, UWA, CIRA, Curtin University, Australia
- June 30 - July 11: Work visit to OCA Nice, France
- June 25: Work visit to ASTRON, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
- June 23 - 24: Work visit to Hamburg Observatory, Germany
- June 9 - 20: Work visit to Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands
- April 9 - 10: Work visit to Naval Research Lab, Washington DC, USA
- Dec. 9 - 13: Conference The Metre-Wavelength Sky, Pune, India.
- Jan. 14 - 18: Workshop Imaging the Low Frequency Radio Sky with LOFAR, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Dec. 3 - 7: CALIM2012, SKA Workshop on Calibration and Imaging, SKA Africa Cape Town office, South Africa.
- Nov. 26 - 30: 7th SKA Africa Postgraduate Bursary Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- Feb. … - 24: ???
- June 20 - July 8: Visiting scientist at OCA Nice, France
- May 23 - June 3: Work visit to Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands
- May 17 - 19: IES2011, International Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria VA, USA
- May 12: Work visit to NRL RSD, USA
- Jan. 5 - 7: USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, University of Boulder, USA
- Aug. 23 - 27: CALIM2010, SKA Workshop on Calibration and Imaging, ASTRON, The Netherlands
- May … - 21: ???
- Apr. 18 - 20: Postdoc symposium, NRAO Green Bank, USA
- Feb. 22 - 26: Work visit to NRAO Socorro, USA
- Jan. 24 - 30: Work visit to Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands
- August 30: Move to Charlottesville VA, USA
- Jan. 14, 2009: Work visit to UNM PandA, USA
- Jan. 1 - 11: Observing session at the VLA, and work visit to NRAO Socorro, USA
- Nov. 24 - 25: Work visit to Harvard CfA, USA
- Nov. 20 - 21: Work visit to NRL RSD, USA
- Nov. 17 - 19: Work visit to NRAO Charlottesville, USA
- Aug. 21: 2nd MSSS meeting, ASTRON, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
- May 7 - 9: 63th Dutch Astronomers Conference, Dalfsen, the Netherlands
- March 31 - April 4: Conference Deep Surveys of the Radio Universe with SKA Pathfinders, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
- Oct. 1 - 5: Conference From planets to dark energy: The modern radio universe, Manchester, UK.
- July 4 - 12: Work visit to NRAO Charlottesville, USA
- June 27: LOFAR DCLA Meeting, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands.
- April 23 - 27: Workshop Astrophysics in the LOFAR era, Emmen, the Netherlands.
- Feb. 5 - 17: Work visit to NRAO Charlottesville, USA
- Oct. 9 - 13: Conference At the Edge of the Universe, Sintra, Portugal.
- Aug. 20 - 22: IAU General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, Joint Discussion 12: Long Wavelength Astrophysics
- June 1 - 9: Observing session at GMRT, Khodad, India.
- Oct. 13: ParselTongue Workshop, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands.
- Oct. 3 - 7: NOVA Fall School, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands.
- Sept. 5 - 9: European Radio Interferometry School, Manchester, UK.
- June 1 - 8: Observing session at GMRT, Khodad, India.
- Feb. 12 - 19: Winterschool, Surveying the Universe: Spectroscopic and Imaging Surveys for COsmology, Obergurgl, Austria.
huibintema/travel.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 15:21 by huibintema