Downloading and installing SPAM
Here are some instructions on how to install SPAM on your Linux 64-bit system. If you want to install it on some other Unix-based system, you're on your own .
Download SPAM and dependencies
An installation of SPAM on Linux requires at least the following items:
- The latest SPAM package, found here
- SPAM support files, found here
- AIPS version 31DEC13 (LNX64 binary tarball with extras), found here
- ParselTongue version 2.3 (with changes), found here
- Obit core (LNX64 binary with changes), found here
The following necessary items are often already available on a standard scientific Linux installation:
- Python version 2.7 (plus C include files)
- Python packages: pylab / matplotlib, numpy, scipy, astropy
- gcc
- make
- swig
- optional: mencoder / mplayer (for making phase screen movies)
- optional: ImageMagick convert (for making phase screen movies)
Install SPAM
Make a new directory that will hold all spam software
In your Linux shell, type
cd <local software path> mkdir spam cd spam
Move the downloaded tarballs to here.
In your Linux shell, type
mv <download path>/AIPS_<version>.tgz . mv <download path>/parseltongue-<version>.tgz . mv <download path>/obit_<version>.tgz . mv <download path>/spam_<version>.tgz . mv <download path>/spam_etc_<version>.tgz .
Install SPAM support files
> tar xzf spam_etc_<version>.tgz
Edit setup file(s) and modify SPAM_PATH to point to <local software path>/spam, SPAM_HOST to your machine name in capitals, and PYTHON to point to your python2.7 executable
gedit setup.*sh
Next, run the setup file. In Linux bash (sh) this is done through:
In Linux C-shell ([t]csh) this is done through:
source setup.csh
Install AIPS
In your Linux shell, type
tar xzf AIPS_31DEC13.tgz cd AIPS
These next two steps may not apply to you, but must be executed when you have installed and/or run AIPS locally.
mv ~/.AIPSRC ~/.AIPSRC_previous mv ~/.dadevs ~/.dadevs_previous
Then start the actual install
perl -n
Here's how to quickly get through the AIPS installation
screen 0: <enter> screen 4: <enter> screen 4b: <enter> screen 5: <e.g., your institute name in capitals (no spaces), and enter> screen 5a: <enter> screen 5b: <check that this is set to LNX64, and enter> screen 6: <enter> screen 7: <copy/paste suggested path and enter> screen 8: <2x enter> screen 9: <enter> screen 9B: <enter> screen 11: <2x enter>
And during installation: <3x/4x enter> This should run without errors (see SPAM FAQ if it can't find
Now we need to increase number of interactive AIPS sessions to 32. In your Linux shell, type in the Linux shell
source LOGIN.(C)SH
In SETPAR go through the following menus
2 <enter> 10 <enter> 32 <enter> -1 <enter> AMANAGER <enter> 4 <enter>
Test AIPS by entering
aips tv=local
In AIPS POPS terminal, enter
11 <enter> print 2+2 <enter> kleenex <enter>
Exit AIPS directory
cd ..
Install Obit core
In your Linux shell, type
tar xzf obit_<version>.tgz
And that's it.
Install ParselTongue
In your Linux shell, type
tar xzf parseltongue-<version>.tgz cd parseltongue-<version> sh ./configure --prefix=${SPAM_PATH}/ParselTongue --with-obit=${SPAM_PATH}/Obit
This should return without errors (see SPAM FAQ if it can't find obit). Then type:
make install cd ..
Install SPAM package
In your Linux shell, type
tar xzf spam_<version>.tgz cd python/spam
Edit the makefile so that the SWIGFLAGS and CCFLAGS point to the correct Python C header file directory (will contain Python.h; typically something like /usr/include/python2.7).
gedit makefile make cd ../..
And that's all folks!
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